Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hey , Love !

20102010 :))

Youu , tau kan , i hate it ! I hate it when i fight with people that i love . So , pagi dah gadoo . Takmauu laaa . :( 
I trust u lahh . Its just a small matter , i don wan it be a big poblem . Than , kita sakit hati . Apa lahh u nii . Anyway any poblem come , we settle wit the best . U sendiri cakap kann , gaduhh cena pun settle jugak .
 I would do anything laa to be your Princess ! Puas laa dengar , u membebel membebel ! 
Thanks Love . U teach me bout appreciate ! I appreciate u syg . 
ALIF ZAMBRI , you're mine :)) iloveyouu ! <3 <3 <3